A global world leader
Combining Eco-Counter, the leader for bicycle and pedestrian counting, and Quantaflow, the leader for shopping mall counting, Quanteo group is the global leader in people counting. The group has an exceptional ability to answer the most complex people counting problems through unmatched expertise and outstanding technology.
A portfolio of industry-leading technology
From discreet people counting sensors to cloud-based data analysis platform, companies belonging to the Quanteo group work with a variety of carefully developed, tried-and-tested technology. Our multi-field R&D teams work everyday to push the boundaries of what is physically possible to count people.
Des technologies
People who count!
The Quanteo group has developed a HR culture with the idea that human relationships must govern all company decisions. The autonomy of each and every employee in the group is a key element of its success. Today, one part of the group is experimenting Holacracy to go further!
Des personnes qui comptent
Strong financial performances on the long run
Quanteo group remains owned by the founder, Christophe Milon but has developed a system of transparent financial communication with all teams and financial partners. Financial results through efficient teamworks and high-functioning IT systems, allow the group to anticipate its future financial development. A 20%-growth and more than 5% of net profit are goals frequently attained by the group.
Des performances financières
An international presence
Each client is important to Quanteo and the group proudly works with numerous high-profile international clients, such as: New-York City, the City of San Francisco, Mont-Saint-Michel, Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, Unibail Rodamco, Auchan Group, Chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle and the City of Vancouver… These are only few examples of the 5,000+ clients that the group has the pleasure to serve everyday.
Carte monde
Christophe Milon
Franck Hogie
Benoit Devictor
Head of Human Resources
Head of Human Resources
Enrico Durbano
Eco-Counter Chief Executive
Eco-Counter Chief Executive
Thierry Heude
Quantaflow Chief Executive
Quantaflow Chief Executive